Impact and results
The aim of Innovation Norway is to make a difference for its customers. To find out more about the impact of our activities and contributions to Norwegian industry and commerce, we conduct surveys and measure the results.
Over 9 billion to businesses and industries: Innovation Norway was able to contribute a total of NOK 9.2 billion to development and innovation in industry and commerce in 2021. This is an increase of almost 40 per cent from the previous "normal year" in 2019, where we contributed NOK 6.7 billion. Compared to the "exceptional year" 2020, this is a decrease from NOK 12.5 billion. The decrease is mainly due to fewer extraordinary allocations due to the corona pandemic.
Two out of three received support: In total, Innovation Norway supported 5,459 projects in 2021. This is 859 more than in 2019, but 2,650 fewer than in the extraordinary corona year 2020. Roughly estimated, two out of three applications for support were allocated grants in 2021. One of the main reasons for the rejections was that many applications to the extraordinary travel and tourism schemes did not satisfy the criteria.
Decisive: Innovation Norway's contribution was also extremely important for enterprises’ innovation and development work in 2021. As many as 95 per cent of the enterprises surveyed in the Customer Satisaction Survey believe that Innovation Norway's contribution has been decisive for implementation of projects. There has been a significant increase during the last two years, after several previous years with a relatively stable percentage score of approx. 90.(Source: Oxford Research).
Triggering effect for funding: NOK 1 from Innovation Norway in the form of capital or advisory services is matched by NOK 2 in the form of self-financing or other sources of funding for development projects and investments. In 2021, it contributed to Norwegian enterprises together being allocated a total of NOK 31.5 billion. In addition, Innovation Norway also triggers many other innovation and internationalisation activities by providing expertise and networking.
Record year for positive environmental impact: 2021 was a record year for Innovation Norway's investments in green projects, where 61 per cent of the funding contributed to projects with a defined positive environmental impact. This is a sharp rise from 49 per cent the previous year. Measured in the number of projects that received funding, two out of five had such a positive environmental impact. In addition, the figures show that 26 per cent of the funding went to measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This includes support for emission reduction measures in the Norwegian fishing fleet.
Higher growth in turnover: On average, enterprises that receive support from Innovation Norway grow more than comparable enterprises without such support. Over a three-year period, enterprises with support had an average annual growth in turnover of 10.4 percentage points. The corresponding figures for value creation and productivity are 9 and 4 percentage points, respectively. Given that industry and commerce has a total annual productivity growth of 1 to 2 percentage points, an increase in growth of 4 percentage points is considered good. Measured in full-time equivalents this shows an annual increase in growth of 5 percentage points.(Source: Economics Norway).
Entrepreneurs grow the most: Start-ups (enterprises that are less than three years old) that received funding from Innovation Norway have an increase in sales revenue of 16.4 percentage points, compared to enterprises without such support. Correspondingly, value creation increased by 16.9 percentage points, productivity increased by 11.7 percentage points, and full-time equivalents increased by 9.9 percentage points (Source: Economics Norway).
Growth for established enterprises: Established enterprises (enterprises that are more than three years old) that have received support from Innovation Norway experience a 6.2 percentage point increase in sales revenues compared to enterprises that do not receive such support. Corresponding figures regarding the increase in value creation and productivity are 5.2 and 2.5 percentage points, respectively. (Source: Economics Norway).
14,000 inquiries: Innovation Norway's Growth and Entrepreneurial Centre in Førde handled a total of 14,000 inquiries related to sparring and funding last year. These included more than 5,500 incoming phone calls, 4,000 inquiries via online contact form and 4,000 questions from customers about technical support. In addition, the centre processed around 900 applications for premarket evaluation funding.
Decrease in overnight stays in Norway: There were 27.1 million overnight stays with commercial accommodation providers in Norway in 2021, an increase of th14 per cent from the previous year. The number of Norwegian commercial overnight stays accounted for a growth of 16 per cent, while foreign overnight stays were at the same level as in the 2020 corona year.
New contacts: In 2021, 1.2 million people read about green solutions from Norway on More than 20 million people watched ads on LinkedIn and Google, among others, about the priority issues of offshore wind, batteries and green shipping. An impact measurement in 2021 showed that LinkedIn ads make target groups significantly more positive about Norwegian technology.
Norwegian partners in EEA projects: Norway co-finances business programmes that support cooperation between Norwegian and European enterprises, and Innovation Norway manages around NOK 1.9 billion to be allocated to relevant projects by 2023. In 2021, a total of NOK 474 million was allocated to 87 projects. One or more Norwegian project partners participate in 30 of these.
Contributed to export: Almost one in three enterprises that have received funding and advisory services from Innovation Norway believe this has contributed to increased exports, according to the customer impact survey from Oxford Research. A third of these believe that it is precisely the support and advisory services from Innovation Norway that contributed to the initiation of the enterprise’s internationalisation process. The survey also shows that 85 per cent of the companies that have started exports will make use of our services on international projects in the future.
Decisive international advisory services: In 2021, 55 per cent of the enterprises that received advisory services from our international offices say that the service they received to a large extent was decisive in their initiation of an internationalisation process. This is an increase of seven percentage points from the previous year (Source Oxford Research).
EU funding: 2021 was the year when Norway's total results from the Horizon 2020 programme for the period 2014-2020 became clear: Of a total of NOK 16.2 billion for Norwegian research and innovation, NOK 4.2 billion went to Norwegian enterprises. In 2021, Norwegian enterprises received a total of NOK 501 million in grants and equity from the EU EIC Accelerator programme. This is a decrease from NOK 725 million the year before, but an increase from NOK 300 million in 2019.
Networks create growth: At the end of 2021, 44 clusters and a total of 2.000 member enterprises were involved in the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme. Enterprises participating in networks and clusters have an average increase in sales revenues of 15.2 percentage points during their first three years compared to enterprises that do not participate in such networks. The corresponding growth for value creation is 14.6 percentage points, and for the number of full-time equivalents 5.8 percentage points (Source: Economics Norway).
NOK 2 billion for entrepreneurs: Innovation Norway allocated a total of NOK 2 billion to entrepreneurs in 2021. Of all the entrepreneurial projects we supported, 33 per cent were female-oriented. Measured in the amount allocated, the female-oriented share was 30 per cent.
Two-thirds for growth companies: Two thirds of the funding from Innovation Norway in 2021 were allocated to enterprises with growth potential (older than three years). Enterprises with growth potential received NOK 6 billion in grants and loans from Innovation Norway. The corresponding figure for 2020 was NOK 8.1 billion and for 2019 NOK 3.3 billion.
Regional restructuring secures jobs: The Regional Restructuring Programme followed up 22 restructuring areas in 2021, and has contributed to 170 new jobs and 49 business establishments. Regional restructuring is aimed at municipalities or areas with a vulnerable industry structure or failure of the industrial base.
Renewable energy in agriculture: In 2021, a new record was set in the number of applications to Innovation Norway for renewable energy solutions. 245 projects received funding.
Crisis package for the tourism industry: Innovation Norway was also responsible for several of the Government's crisis packages for the tourism and event industries in 2021, and grants of more than NOK 1 billion were allocated.
Sustainable destinations: More than 50 destinations with a total of 116 municipalities have worked on the "Sustainable Destination Label" in 2021, 21 of which were completed by the end of the year.
Growth for Visit Norway: In 2021, the audience devoted a total of 175 million minutes on stories about and from Norway in Visit Norway's channels. This is an increase of 109 per cent from 2020, and the effort is recognised in the form of 14 international awards. A total of 10.9 million users and 28.1 million page views were registered on in 2021.
The aim of Innovation Norway is to make a difference for its customers. In order to know more about the effects of Innovation Norway's activities and contributions to Norwegian industry and commerce, two ongoing result and impact surveys are being carried out: a survey conducted under the auspices of Oxford Research Norway, and an impact analysis based on register data by Economics Norway.
In order to assess Innovation Norway's contribution to the main goals and sub-goals, a measurement result management system (MRS) has been established. Together with evaluations and other supportive analyses, this provides the company, clients, owners and other stakeholders with relevant management information about the company's activities and attainment of objectives.