Troms and Finnmark - Vadsø
W. Andersens gate 4, 9800 Vadsø
Key Activities in 2021
- The tourism industry was once again hit hard this year by the coronavirus pandemic, subsequent infection control measures and travel restrictions. These companies received extra follow up in the form of guidance, competence measures and restructuring funds.
- Active efforts to establish more innovation partnerships. One example is CTD AS which has developed a Virtual Reality learning application for healthcare professionals. In order to further develop this solution, the company and the Development Centre for Nursing Homes and Home Services in Troms and Finnmark, Dyrøy Municipality and Tromsø Municipality, entered into an innovation contract with Innovation Norway.
- Energy in the North cluster was included in the national cluster programme and acquired Arena status. This cluster covers the whole of northern Norway and it is aiming to make the Arctic an attractive area for the development of energy. A separate company is being established to manage the work that is being continued in Hammerfest.
- Under the "Green Platform" grant scheme, Finnfjord AS has received a NOK 48 million grant for its algae project. The company has been working on this for several years and is now in the process of being scaled up to industrial scale.
- We are part of the "Troms and Finnmark Food Strategy Group” along with our other regional partners. Our aim is to strengthen food and drink manufacturers in the region. Seven webinars with different topics were held – with a total of over 200 participants.
- Arctic Innovation Week (AIW) was held with more than 50 events in Troms and Finnmark and more than 30 events in Nordland under the theme "Three steps forward". AIW wants to inspire cooperation and innovation to help ensure that businesses in the north are at the forefront of social, economic and environmental change.
Funding in 2021
The figures shown below apply to Troms and Finnmark.