Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Innovation Norway works with Corporate Social Responsibility
within many fields, with respect to current and potential
customers and in the form of programmes and events. The
organisation has prepared a set of ethical guidelines which are to
be followed in connection with all activity within Innovation
Norway, together with an action plan for social responsibility.
This means that we will use economic, social and environmental
assessments as a basis for the activity, thereby contributing to
sustainable development. Ethics and social responsibility form
part of the assessment criteria within financing, consultancy,
human resources development, network-building and promotion.
Innovation Norway shall also be a prime-mover to ensure that
customers and other partners practise the same ethical attitudes.
Corporate social responsibility is becoming an increasingly hot
topic, both globally and nationally. Innovation Norway is an
important player within society, and in the opinion of the board
this imposes greater demands on activities and expertise within
the field, both internally and externally. Innovation Norway’s
report on corporate social responsibility is based on the
guidelines from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an
internationally recognised standard for sustainability reporting.
The board is satisfied that we are submitting such a report for
the second time.