Freyr is investing heavily in battery cell production in Mo i Rana. The factory alone can provide the local Rana community with 1500 new jobs. Innovation Norway are pleased to be able to contribute an additional NOK 39 million to the project.
FREYR will build Norway’s first large-scale battery cell factory at Mo Industrial Estate.
“Our plans will initially create over 1500 jobs, and this number might triple in the future. If you take into account families and other people related to the development, one can envision between 10 to 15,000 people moving to the area. This is of huge significance for a local community like Rana”, says CEO of FREYR, Tom Jensen.
Having actors like FREYR is therefore hugely important, a company that paves the way and shows that it is possible, and that I am absolutely sure is going to succeed. It is a great honour for Innovation Norway to be allowed to contribute.
Increasing need for batteries
“The world is going through an energy revolution, and the need for batteries and storage of electricity is increasing. We see it everywhere. We see it when it comes to electric cars, electric ships and maybe electric planes at some point in the future. All this means that the demand for batteries is increasing sharply”, says Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Norway.
“There is no other country that has such good prerequisites as Norway to satisfy that demand, and create good jobs and export revenues from the opportunity. Having actors like FREYR is therefore hugely important, a company that paves the way and shows that it is possible, and that I am absolutely sure is going to succeed. It is a great honour for Innovation Norway to be allowed to contribute”, says Haugli.