Environmental performance indicators
Company activities
Innovation Norway’s mission is such that little material is used
other than paper. In 2006, we delivered 18 tonnes of paper waste,
which was used for district heating purposes.
Our offices are situated in all of the country's counties and in
30 counties worldwide. Many of the premises are leased. Thus we
are able to report the energy consumption for our headquarters at
Akersgata 13 in Oslo only. In 2006, our electricity consumption
was 1,661,101 kilowatt-hours. Water consumption was 26,424 cubic
Innovation Norway has no emissions or releases that pollute the
environment, and there were no accidents that resulted in
emissions. For the full year, 25,000 litres of waste was delivered
from Akersgata 13.
IT equipment that is replaced at Innovation Norway is reused. We
have an agreement with Alternativ Data, a company which arranges
for the equipment to be distributed to schools in Norway or
abroad. So far, we have delivered 229 used screens, 259 PCs, 11
servers and 22 printers for reuse.
Environmental impact of products and services
Innovation Norway aims to develop and introduce environmentally
friendly technology and environmentally friendly products and
services. The utilisation of Norway’s energy resources has
provided the basis for strong revenues and for the development of
industry which consumes energy and industry which supplies goods
and services. A targeted public sector initiative has resulted in
an industry that is strong within the field of environmental
A special sector initiative within Innovation Norway will increase
market shares for the Norwegian supplier industry. The focus area
comprises renewable energy, new energy technology and the
environment (including a separate Bioenergy programme). The target
group consists of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises
(technology and service providers). The enterprises must have a
clear international growth ambition. Prioritised initiatives are
the strengthening of business networks and business development
through multi-company projects, international exposure/networking
and the bringing of knowledge back to Norway. A total of 21
development projects were carried out in 2006.
It is estimated that, on a country basis, it will be possible to
recruit projects from approximately 500 companies. The
majority of companies are assumed to have fewer than 20 employees.
Between 2003 and 2006, an average of 80 companies within the
segment received renewable energy and new energy technology
support from the SkatteFUNN tax deduction scheme concerning
R&D. Projects that trigger synergies between a number of
companies are given priority.
During 2006, Innovation Norway awarded a total of approximately
NOK 700 million to projects relating to energy and the
“Guidelines for innovators in the energy market” have been
prepared in collaboration with Enova. Further collaboration with
Enova, the Norwegian Water and Energy Resources Directorate and
the Research Council of Norway sees a study booklet entitled
“Renewable Energy 2007” and the web portals fornybar.no and
renewableenergy.no under preparation. These will be launched in
The Euro Info Center helps Norwegian companies to gain access to
the recipient-controlled financing schemes the EEA and Structure
Funds, coordinated with respect to Innovation Norway’s work on the
EU’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – CIP.
Innovation Norway also promotes trade through the development of
interregional cluster projects/multicompany projects and the
establishment and further development of meeting places and
networks (e.g. the German-Norwegian Energy Forum (Germany) and the
NEEC-Norwegian Energy and Environment Consortium (China).
Innovation Norway has carried out a number of Norwegian joint
stands, business missions and partnering events.
The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority, the Research Council of
Norway and Innovation Norway have jointly begun work to develop a
common proposal to the government concerning a major new
environmental technology initiative in 2008.
Organisation procurement and agreements
Innovation Norway is subject to the Freedom of Information Act and
the regulations concerning public sector procurement. The
operation is carried out in accordance with these laws and
international rules, treaties and conventions that concern the